Wednesday, January 13, 2010


i dont know why it posted twice or even posted at all. sorry :) with that said, im so excited for friday! my friend emilie is coming over and yea im so excited! and on saturday we are going to my barn together!!! yay! before we leave we are going to make tons of cool horse stuff to take them. haha this is going to be so fun. dakota is having bordem issues in the pasture and is destroying the tractor, so we are going to make some toys :D all these recipes/ideas came from "the ultimate guide to pampering your horse" by june v. evers. this is a fantabulous book! so look into buying it...a total must!

jug of oats toy:
clean a plastic milk jug and pour in one cup of oats. cut a tiny hole in the bottom, just enough for one or two kernels to fall out.put the cap on and tie it to the rafter or ceiling beam with bailing twine and let your horse enjoy. dont use a nail becuase he may pull out the nail and get hurt. i think i am going to tie mine the the fence of the pasture, becuase the horses spend about 8 hours out there.

*Jolly balls might be a good toy but our horses never liked them. guess it depends on the horse :D *

let your horse run over traffic cones too:

traffic cones make great toys and your horse will love stomping and chewing and tossing them. use the big rubber kind as opposed to the small plastic kind.

and treats too! how fun! that morning we are making... well im not sure yet. sorry theres no recipe for you! i was just going to take some apples, a few carrots, maybe some animal crackers. too much? i was going to top it off with a few butterscotch treats. keep in mind though, that im serving 3 horses. maybe i will take a few homemade treats though. hmmmm not sure. oh heres an idea! its not tested yet though, so it might not totally work. you can do the honors of experimenting, if you want ;)

dough-a-licous horse yum yums:
5 butterscotch candies, crushed
1/2 cup bran
1/2 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup molassess
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup karo syrup
2 tbsp brown sugar

combine all and roll into balls. bake on a cookie sheet at 2 in. apart for 10 minutes at 350.

if anyone is brave nough to try this, let me know how they come out, if you changed it at all...etc.

~pet treat baker

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